Board of Directors

Richard Pozen, MD

Dr. Richard Pozen is EVP and Chief Medical Officer and an expert in Payment Integrity with Cotiviti. He was a co-founder of iHealth Technologies, one of Cotiviti’s predecessors, and has experience on both the payer and provider sides of healthcare. After running a private practice for 14 years, he created Cardiology Network, Inc., to provide specialty management services to healthcare payers. He subsequently held leadership positions at Vivra Specialty Partners and Magellan Specialty Health.

The Pozen Scholars Program was created in 2009 at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School with the goal to enrich the learning experiences of students and faculty by teaching civic responsibility that strengthens community service and engagement, bringing medical professionals and the communities they serve together through the facilitation of mini-grants.

The Pozen Family Center for Human Rights at the University of Chicago was endowed by Dr. Pozen and his wife Ann “to lend our name to the advancement of human rights at the University of Chicago.”  The program supports undergraduate and graduate summer interns who work with Human Rights organizations around the world. Initially there were several core courses in Human Rights and this has now expanded to an official major at the University of Chicago with over 50 students enrolled in that major. A Pozen Visiting Professor endowment has allowed more than 15 visiting professors to teach students in various aspects of human rights and work with the other faculty.

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