Former president Bashar al-Assad’s exodus from Syria represents a milestone opportunity for justice, accountability, and healing following more than 13 years of war and atrocities he oversaw, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) said today. “This week is a momentous occasion for which Syrians have waited decades. Since he came to power, Bashar al-Assad directed a […]
Idaho’s abortion ban has caused preventable medical crises and chaos in the state’s health system, according to an amicus curiae brief filed by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) for the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals hearing in Idaho v. United States, which opens in Pasadena, California on Tuesday. While PHR’s amicus brief documents delayed […]
As military confrontation between Syrian opposition groups and the Syrian government intensifies in the country’s northwest, all parties to the conflict must abide by international humanitarian law (IHL) and protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including health care facilities, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) said today. Syrian opposition forces based in northwest Syria launched a military […]
Russia’s widespread and systematic attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid have harmed health care workers and endangered patients, according to a first-of-its-kind report published today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) and Truth Hounds. Ninety-two percent of 2,261 Ukrainian health care workers surveyed report experiencing power outages at their health care facility due to attacks on […]
Широкомасштабні та систематичні атаки Росії на енергетичну інфраструктуру України завдають серйозної шкоди медичним працівникам і наражають пацієнтів на небезпеку, як зазначено в опублікованому сьогодні звіті організацій Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) і Truth Hounds. За результатами опитування українських медпрацівників, 92% з 2 261 людини повідомили про відключення електроенергії в їхніх закладах охорони здоров’я внаслідок атак […]
The escalating conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has caused a “massive influx” of widespread sexual violence perpetrated by the DRC military, armed groups associated with neighboring countries, United Nations (UN) peacekeepers, and community members, according to a new report published today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR). This widespread […]
La recrudescence du conflit dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) a provoqué un « afflux massif » de violences sexuelles de grande ampleur, perpétrées par des militaires de la RDC, des groupes armés associés aux pays voisins, des forces de maintien de la paix de l’ONU et des membres des communautés, selon […]
The recent military escalation between Israel and Hezbollah is resulting in widespread and mounting harms to civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, health workers, patients, and the broader health system. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) joins the deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut (AUB) to call for immediate […]
Florida’s six-week abortion ban harms the health and safety of Florida patients while obstructing clinicians from providing basic reproductive and maternal medical care, according to a new research brief published today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR). “Delayed and Denied: How Florida’s Abortion Ban Criminalizes Medical Care” is the first study to document the consequences […]
Все більша кількість випадків катувань і сексуального насильства в результаті дій російських сил в Україні потребує подальшої підтримки з боку української влади, щоб поліпшити документування злочинів і підтримку постраждалих, заявили сьогодні в організації Physicians for Human Rights (Лікарі за Права Людини – PHR).У новій аналітичній записці «Підтримка постраждалих від катувань та сексуального насильства, пов’язаного з […]