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Press Release

“Massive Influx” of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): PHR Report

The escalating conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has caused a “massive influx” of widespread sexual violence perpetrated by the DRC military, armed groups associated with neighboring countries, United Nations (UN) peacekeepers, and community members, according to a new report published today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR).   This widespread […]

October 22, 2024
Sexual Violence
Press Release

« Afflux massif » de violences sexuelles liées au conflit dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) :Rapport de PHR

La recrudescence du conflit dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) a provoqué un « afflux massif » de violences sexuelles de grande ampleur, perpétrées par des militaires de la RDC, des groupes armés associés aux pays voisins, des forces de maintien de la paix de l’ONU et des membres des communautés, selon […]

October 22, 2024
Sexual Violence
Press Release

PHR Joins Deans of American University of Beirut (AUB) to Call for Protection of Health Care Amid Escalating Conflict in Lebanon

The recent military escalation between Israel and Hezbollah is resulting in widespread and mounting harms to civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, health workers, patients, and the broader health system. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) joins the deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut (AUB) to call for immediate […]

October 18, 2024
Attacks on Health Care
Press Release

Florida’s Abortion Ban Endangers Patients by Causing Delays and Denials of Medical Care: PHR Research Brief

Florida’s six-week abortion ban harms the health and safety of Florida patients while obstructing clinicians from providing basic reproductive and maternal medical care, according to a new research brief published today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR).   “Delayed and Denied: How Florida’s Abortion Ban Criminalizes Medical Care” is the first study to document the consequences […]

September 17, 2024
Reproductive Justice
Press Release

Нова аналітична записка: Як покращити документування та підтримку жертв катувань і сексуального насильства, пов’язаного з конфліктом, в Україні

Все більша кількість випадків катувань і сексуального насильства в результаті дій російських сил в Україні потребує подальшої підтримки з боку української влади, щоб поліпшити документування злочинів і підтримку постраждалих, заявили сьогодні в організації Physicians for Human Rights (Лікарі за Права Людини – PHR).У новій аналітичній записці «Підтримка постраждалих від катувань та сексуального насильства, пов’язаного з […]

August 27, 2024
Sexual Violence, Torture
Press Release

New Policy Brief: How to Improve Documentation and Support Survivors of Torture and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine

Increasing numbers of survivors of torture and sexual violence inflicted by Russian forces in Ukraine need further support from Ukrainian authorities to improve how the country’s justice system documents crimes and supports survivors, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) said today.   A new PHR policy brief (Supporting Survivors of Torture and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in […]

August 27, 2024
Sexual Violence, Torture
Press Release

1000 Attacks on Health Care in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) Devastate Health System, Demand Accountability: PHR

More than 1000 attacks have now been recorded on health workers, patients, hospitals, and other medical infrastructure in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) since October 7, 2023, more reported attacks on health care than any other conflict over a 10-month period on record, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) said today. PHR calls for independent investigations […]

August 2, 2024
Attacks on Health Care
Press Release

Russia’s Bombing of Ukraine’s Largest Children’s Hospital Part of Systematic Assault on Health Care: PHR

Russia’s attack today on Okhmatdyt National Children’s  Hospital in Kyiv – the largest children’s hospital in Ukraine – continues the systematic assault on Ukraine’s health care system, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) said.  “Russia’s strategy in Ukraine includes attacking babies and children. Domestic and international actors should intensify efforts to hold perpetrators accountable for these […]

July 8, 2024
Attacks on Health Care
Press Release

Supreme Court Decision to Send Idaho Abortion Case Back to Lower Courts is a Reprieve but Leaves Patients and Clinicians at Risk: PHR

The Supreme Court’s decision to avoid ruling on the conflict between Idaho’s extreme ban on access to abortion and a federal law guaranteeing access to abortions in cases of emergency provides a reprieve to pregnant patients in Idaho but leaves pregnant patients experiencing grave health risks and emergency room clinicians facing a medical ethics crisis […]

June 27, 2024
Reproductive Justice
Press Release

France Court’s Decision to Uphold Arrest Warrant for Syria’s Assad Affirms that No One is Beyond Prosecution: PHR

The Paris Appeals Court’s decision to uphold the international arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, for his role in the August 2013 chemical weapons attack that killed more than 1,400 people and injured thousands more in the Damascus suburb Ghouta, affirms that no one is immune from prosecution for egregious war crimes and crimes […]

June 27, 2024
Attacks on Health Care, Chemical Weapons

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