Asylum and Persecution | Student Asylum Clinics

PHR Partner Medical School Clinics

The PHR Asylum Program collaborates with student-run human rights clinics to provide forensic evaluations for asylum seekers. The clinics are made possible by small groups of enthusiastic students and a growing group of Asylum Network members who are committed to training the next generation of evaluators. Shadowing asylum evaluations not only exposes students to the unique points of view of human rights atrocity survivors, but also allows them to observe and practice trauma-informed interviewing and cross-cultural communication.

In 2010, PHR created the first student-run asylum clinic at a U.S. medical school in partnership with the Weill Cornell Center for Human Rights (WCCHR). Since then, the WCCHR/PHR model has expanded to many other medical schools. In addition to providing forensic evaluations for asylum seekers in their respective communities, clinics serve to educate the medical community and general public about asylum issues by conducting research, publishing papers, and presenting at conferences.

PHR’s Asylum Program partners with:

Brown Human Rights and Asylum Clinic at Brown University Alpert Medical School

Columbia Human Rights Initiative at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Georgetown PHR Asylum Clinic at Georgetown University School of Medicine

The Georgia Human Rights Clinic at Emory University School of Medicine

The George Washington Human Rights Initiative

Human Rights and Asylum Clinic at Baylor College of Medicine

Harvard Student Human Rights Collaborative at Harvard Medical School

The Human Rights Initiative at the University at Buffalo

New York Medical College Center for Human Rights at New York Medical College

NYU Asylum Clinic at NYU Grossman School of Medicine

NYU Post-doctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Immigration Working Group

Olive View-UCLA Human Rights Clinic

Philadelphia Human Rights Clinic at University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Phillips Neighborhood Clinic at the University of Minnesota

Southern Arizona CUP Asylum Clinic at College of Medicine at Tucson

SUNY Downstate Asylum Clinic at Downstate College of Medicine

UCLA Asylum Clinic at University of Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine

UConn Immigration Rights Initiative at University of Connecticut School of Medicine

University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix (UACOMP) Human Rights Clinic

University of Michigan Asylum Collaborative at University of Michigan Medical School      

USC-Keck Human Rights Clinic at University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine

Weill Cornell Center for Human Rights at Weill Cornell Medical College

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