

In Iraq, a New Tool Helps Forensic Doctors Document Sexual Violence and Torture   

During its 2014 offensive, ISIS waged horrific violence in Iraq. ISIS targeted religious minorities, including the Yazidis, who suffered brutal attacks on their communities. Thousands of Yazidi men, women, and children were killed, forced into flight, or abducted, raped, and enslaved. Today, ten years later, most survivors are still waiting for justice.   Recognizing the […]

June 18, 2024
Sexual Violence, Torture

Evidence for Impact, Advocacy for Justice

“If any of you worry about the issues that are going on in the world as you listen to the news every day and you feel somewhat powerless because the problems, the fractures, are too large and too many, I think you and I can take comfort that PHR is playing its part everywhere in […]

April 16, 2024
Asylum, Attacks on Health Care, Death Investigations, Excessive Force, Mass Atrocities, Reproductive Justice, Sexual Violence, Torture

Death, Destruction, and Denial in Syria

After 10 years of war and untold suffering in Syria, the landscape for human rights, justice, and accountability looks bleak. Explore an interactive timeline of the conflict.

March 5, 2024
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture

“Endless Nightmare”: Torture and Inhuman Treatment in Solitary Confinement in U.S. Immigration Detention

Executive Summary The United States maintains the world’s largest immigration detention system, detaining tens of thousands of people in a network of facilities, including those managed by private prison corporations, county jails, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). At the time of […]

February 6, 2024
Asylum, Torture

Mobilizing Health Workers to Safeguard Rights

For more than 35 years, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has worked at the intersection of medicine, science, and law to end human suffering, save lives, and secure justice and universal human rights for all. Read about our impact in our 2022 Annual Report.

June 22, 2023
Asylum, Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Reproductive Justice, Sexual Violence, Torture

Next Steps for the Global Anti-Torture Movement: Istanbul Protocol 2022

In June, world-leading anti-torture experts launched the Istanbul Protocol 2022, the updated United Nations-backed guidelines for effective investigation and documentation of torture to help health professionals, lawyers, and other human rights specialists to contribute to accountability for torture in countries and communities around the world. In September 2022, PHR convened experts to reflect on the […]

September 12, 2022
Press Release

Anti-Torture Experts Launch updated ‘Istanbul Protocol,’ the New Global Standards for Investigation and Documentation of Torture

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) today published the 2022 edition of the Istanbul Protocol: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment with contributions from more than 180 anti-torture experts from 51 countries. The new edition of the […]

June 29, 2022
Press Release

Syria’s New Anti-Torture Law Fails to Address Regime’s Crimes Against Humanity: PHR 

In response to Syria’s passage of anti-torture legislation on March 30, the following statement is attributable to Houssam al-Nahhas, MD, MPH, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Researcher:   “Physicians for Human Rights would welcome any systemic measures that prevent the torture and ill-treatment of people in Syria, provide meaningful pathways […]

April 5, 2022

The Disappeared Doctors of Syria

The Syrian government has targeted health care workers with detention, abuse, and torture. Here are some of their stories.

January 27, 2022
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture
Press Release

German Court Conviction of Syrian Who Oversaw Torture a ‘First Step’ Towards Justice and Accountability: PHR

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) welcomes the landmark verdict against Syrian colonel Anwar Raslan, who was convicted today of crimes against humanity in a court in Koblenz, Germany, and sentenced to life in prison.   Raslan supervised the systematic and brutal torture of more than 4,000 Syrian prisoners in 2011-2012. His conviction today marks the first […]

January 13, 2022

The Aftermath of 9/11: The U.S. Torture Program in the “War on Terror”

This year marks two decades since the deadly terror attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. On this occasion, PHR joins the world to remember the thousands who perished on that day and to honor the many first responders – including medics, physicians, nurses, firefighters, police officers, and so many others – who […]

September 10, 2021
Press Release

Leading Mental Health Professionals and Organizations File Amici Brief in Landmark CIA Detainee Case at U.S Supreme Court

A group of eminent mental health professionals and organizations today filed a brief of amici curiae at the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of U.S. v Abu Zubaydah. Led by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), the experts assert that the U.S. government cannot use the state secrets privilege to shield the egregious actions of […]

August 20, 2021
Torture, When Doctors Harm

Amici Brief in the case of United States of America v. Abu Zubaydah

In U.S. v. Abu Zubaydah, the Supreme Court will consider if a detainee can obtain information about their torture while in the custody of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at a so-called “black site” in Poland, or whether the U.S. government can claim that the “state secrets” privilege completely blocks from view key information about […]

August 20, 2021
Torture, When Doctors Harm

Syria’s Medical Workers Are Still Fighting for Justice

Originally published by Al Jazeera, March 19, 2021 Every day when I wake up, I think about August 18, 2012 – the day I finally saw the sun after weeks in captivity. For the “crime” of providing healthcare to injured protesters, the Syrian government imprisoned and tortured me at the Military Intelligence Directorate in Aleppo for […]

March 23, 2021
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture

Syrian Health and Human Rights: 10 Years of Conflict

On Thursday, March 11, 2021, Physicians for Human Rights hosted an online briefing call commemorating 10 years of the Syrian conflict, where experts reflected on the state of health and human rights in Syria. PHR Advisory Council member Jennifer Leaning, MD, SMH, senior research fellow at the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at […]

March 11, 2021
Attacks on Health Care, COVID-19, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture

Advocacy Brief: Key Actions Governments Must Take Now to Uphold Human Rights After 10 Years of Conflict in Syria

Introduction After 10 years of war and untold suffering in Syria, the landscape for human rights, justice, and accountability looks bleak. In the spring of 2011, peaceful protesters took to the streets across Syria, demanding basic human rights and dignity. They were met with a fierce crackdown by the Syrian government. That violence has since […]

March 11, 2021
Attacks on Health Care, COVID-19, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture

The Rohingya: Survivors of Atrocity

Two years ago, the government of Myanmar unleashed a scorched-earth campaign against the Rohingya Muslims. Impunity prevails for these atrocities, which are only the most recent in the long story of the Rohingya’s persecution in Myanmar. When will the Rohingya see justice done?

August 24, 2020
Mass Atrocities, Rohingya, Sexual Violence, Torture
Press Release

‘Enhanced Interrogation’ Architect Dr. James Mitchell’s Testimony at Guantánamo Highlights His Role in U.S. Torture, Debasement of Psychological Ethics: PHR

Psychologist Dr. James Mitchell – architect of the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation” program and a key figure in health professionals’ shameful record of participation in torture – is testifying for the first time before a U.S. military court at Guantánamo Bay. His accounting of why and how the United States inflicted torture on detainees offers a […]

January 23, 2020
Torture, When Doctors Harm

The Best Human Rights Films of 2019: PHR’s Picks

Grab your popcorn because the final countdown to the Oscars has begun: on Sunday, February 9, 2020 hundreds of millions of people around the world will tune in to watch the 92nd Academy Awards in Los Angeles, California. The annual culmination of the film awards cycle will hand out the industry’s top honors to nominees […]

January 14, 2020
Asylum, Attacks on Health Care, Torture

Video: “Because We Are Doctors”

Syrian doctor “Youssef” was treating a patient in the hospital when state security forces arrived and arrested him. He is one of countless health workers who provided care to the wounded, only to be arrested, detained, and tortured by the Assad regime. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) conducted an investigation into the purposeful, illegal, and […]

December 5, 2019
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture
Press Release

The Syrian Government Systematically Arrests, Detains, Tortures Health Workers: Physicians for Human Rights

The Syrian government has systematically targeted health professionals for arrest, detention, and torture, according to a new investigation published today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR). “My Only Crime Was That I Was a Doctor” is the first-ever report to document the purposeful, illegal, and brutal strategy by the Syrian government to commit these targeted […]

December 4, 2019
Attacks on Health Care, Torture

“My Only Crime Was That I Was a Doctor”

This study’s findings indicate that the government of Syria has targeted health workers for arbitrary arrest, detention, and torture for the ostensible “crime” of honoring their professional codes of ethics, which require them to provide care to the sick and wounded without discrimination.

December 4, 2019
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Torture

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