
Tools and Guides

Child-Centered Documentation Toolkit

Table of Contents Introduction Conflict-related sexual violence is an enduring problem globally. The burden of this violence often affects the most vulnerable within society, including women and girls, racial or other minorities, refugees and internally displaced persons, and in particular, children. According to the UN Secretary-General’s 2024 report on children and armed conflict, almost 30,705 […]

December 20, 2024
Children's Rights, Sexual Violence

Teaching the Tools of Change: How a New Curriculum for Medical Students in Kenya is Advancing Care for Survivors of Gender-based Violence 

The United Nations reports that more than one in three women have experienced physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives. Research shows that these traumatic experiences have both short- and long-term effects on a survivor’s health, making them more likely to seek help from a health care provider. This impact goes beyond […]

December 5, 2024

Novel Research Methods that Avoid Retraumatizing Survivors

Originally published by Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI). Also available in French and Spanish. Researchers often grapple with a major challenge when researching sexual violence or evaluating programs focused on sexual violence—how to collect information without retraumatizing survivors. Gathering accurate data from survivors of sexual violence is essential to document or develop programs for their […]

December 3, 2020
Rohingya, Sexual Violence

Voices from the COVID-19 Pandemic: “Since she started working in the isolation ward, her colleagues have shunned her.”

COVID-19 is on the rise in Kenya, where there have been approximately 12,000 confirmed cases of the disease and 217 deaths. Dr. Angeline Ithondeka is the medical superintendant of Naivasha County Referral Hospital in Nakuru, Kenya, northwest of Nairobi, which is a longtime partner of Physicians for Human Rights. Though Nakuru County has had relatively […]

July 21, 2020

A Tech Solution to Documenting Sexual Violence

This post originally appeared on OpenGlobalRights. It’s not uncommon to see Post-Rape Care (PRC) forms, the standardized medical intake document for sexual violence in Kenya, scattered across clinicians’ desks and counters in hospitals throughout the country. These PRC forms include the survivor’s history, a report of the incident, the results of a physical examination, and […]

January 3, 2019
Sexual Violence

Pioneering a Game-changer in the Fight Against Sexual Violence

Naivasha Hospital’s Clinical Officer Sylvester Mesa and Senior Nursing Officer Emily Kiragu are part of a team of 13 who are pioneering MediCapt in Kenya. Photo: Adriane Ohanessian for Physicians for Human Rights. PHR’s award-winning MediCapt mobile app enables doctors, clinical officers, and nurses to collect, store, and securely share forensic medical evidence in cases […]

May 16, 2018
Sexual Violence

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