ResourcesPress Release

CEO Frank Donaghue Responds to Comments in The Washington Post by Navy Commander J.D. Gordon on New PHR Report

For Immediate Release

"PHR's research was conducted by some of the world's leading experts on evaluating and documenting torture claims, according to rigorous and internationally accepted clinical standards," stated Frank Donaghue, CEO of Physicians for Human Rights. "In response to PHR's medical evidence of torture and war crimes, the Pentagon today strangely responded by defending its current standards of medical care. We're not aware of any international medical standards that include sleep deprivation and isolation, which the US Army Field Manual still authorizes. The Pentagon has not yet responded to the new medical evidence of past crimes, including periodic beatings, sodomy, and electric shocks."

To download PHR's Broken Laws, Broken Lives report, visit

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) is a New York-based advocacy organization that uses science and medicine to prevent mass atrocities and severe human rights violations. Learn more here.

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Kevin Short

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