ResourcesPress Release

Kristine Huskey Joins PHR as Director of Anti-Torture Program

For Immediate Release

Physiciansfor Human Rights (PHR) today announced that KristineHuskey has joined the organization as Director of the Anti-Torture Program. Inthis role, Huskey will be responsible for leading PHR’s investigationsand reporting on the devastating consequences of torture on individuals,institutions, and society. Huskey will be basedin PHR’s Washington, D.C. office.

To this position, Huskey brings more than 10 years ofexperience in torture, human rights and national security. In 2004, Huskey wasone of the first attorneys to represent Guantánamo detainees in the seminalcase, Rasul v. Bush, and in 1999 she litigated and won a political asylumclaim on behalf of a Tibetan man who had been persecuted by China.

Prior to joining PHR, Huskey was an attorney and a consultantin matters of national security and international human rights and humanitarianlaw. Over the last nine years, she represented several Guantánamo detainees probono and most recently, served as a law professor and the Director of theNational Security Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law. While at theUniversity of Texas, Huskey taught national security law and internationalhuman rights and humanitarian law and supervised students on casework includingGuantánamo, military commissions, torture and illegal rendition.

“Kristine’s intimate familiarity with the legal issues surroundinginternational and domestic torture will make her a valuable addition to the PHRteam as we continue to advocate for accountability,” said Hans Hogrefe, ChiefPolicy Officer and Director of PHR’s Washington D.C. office.

Huskey also brings extensive experience in advocacy ofnational security and human rights. She has worked with domestic andinternational officials, such as UN special working groups and rapporteurs,regarding torture and detention in armed conflict. 

“I have known about PHR and admired its work for some time. Iam thrilled to be joining the team and to help PHR investigate and document thedevastating consequences of torture nationally and internationally,” said Huskey.

Huskey received her JD from The University of Texas School of Lawand her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Columbia University.  

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) is a New York-based advocacy organization that uses science and medicine to prevent mass atrocities and severe human rights violations. Learn more here.

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Kevin Short

Communications Director1.917.679.0110

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