

Sexual Violence in Ethiopia: The Health Care Providers Bringing Evidence to Light and Demanding Justice for Survivors

“Imagine providing critical care to patients with no access to medications or equipment, while your salary is withheld, your basic needs are unmet, and the very place you call home is no longer safe. Hospitals are routinely attacked by combatants. Insidious acts of sexual violence persist, and places of healing are turned into death traps. […]

June 18, 2024
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Sexual Violence

Submissions to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review: Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia

Submission for Universal Periodic Review of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Fourth Cycle, 47th Session of the Human Rights Council (4 – 15 November, 2024) Submission for Universal Periodic Review of Ethiopia Fourth Cycle, 47th Session of the Human Rights Council (4 – 15 November, 2024)

May 3, 2024
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Sexual Violence

A Map of Attacks on Health Care in Syria

Map of Attacks on Medical Personnel and Facilities in Syria When hospitals or health clinics are destroyed, the loss is far greater than the bricks and mortar of the buildings. Safe and protected spaces to seek routine and urgent medical attention are also lost. When medical workers are killed, the human toll is not just […]

March 5, 2024
Attacks on Health Care, Persecution of Health Workers

Death, Destruction, and Denial in Syria

After 10 years of war and untold suffering in Syria, the landscape for human rights, justice, and accountability looks bleak. Explore an interactive timeline of the conflict.

March 5, 2024
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture
Case Study

Coercion and Control: Ukraine’s Health Care System under Russian Occupation

Press release available in English and Ukrainian. Executive Summary This case study expands on existing documentation of Russia’s widespread and systematic attacks on Ukraine’s health care system. It explores ways in which Russia has sought to systematically target health care as an apparent means of degrading resistance and, in Ukraine’s occupied territories, as a means of enforcing control […]

December 12, 2023
Attacks on Health Care, Persecution of Health Workers

Judicial Interference in the Medical Profession of Türkiye is Unlawful and Unethical

The unprecedented dismissal of 11 eminent Turkish physicians from their elected positions on the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA), the country’s largest professional medical group, is a flagrant violation of international human rights law and ethical standards, said a global coalition of medical professional organizations.   On November 30, a civil court in […]

December 5, 2023
Persecution of Health Workers

Mobilizing Health Workers to Safeguard Rights

For more than 35 years, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has worked at the intersection of medicine, science, and law to end human suffering, save lives, and secure justice and universal human rights for all. Read about our impact in our 2022 Annual Report.

June 22, 2023
Asylum, Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Reproductive Justice, Sexual Violence, Torture
Press Release

Global Medical and Human Rights Groups Call on Türkiye to End Persecution of Doctors

In a letter issued today, four international medical and human rights organizations call on Turkish authorities to drop the baseless charges against the leadership of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA) at a time when doctors are urgently needed to tend to victims of the 6 February earthquake that have caused over 56,000 deaths in Türkiye […]

April 6, 2023
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

Global Medical and Human Rights Groups Call on Türkiye to End Persecution of Doctors

In a letter issued today, four international medical and human rights organisations call on Turkish authorities to drop the baseless charges against the leadership of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA) at a time when doctors are urgently needed to tend to victims of the 6 February earthquake that have caused over 50,000 deaths in Türkiye […]

February 27, 2023
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

PHR Denounces Turkish Court’s Conviction of Leading Physician and Human Rights Defender

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) condemns a Turkish court’s sentencing today of Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, a leader in Türkiye’s medical and human rights community, to two years, eight months and 15 days of imprisonment on baseless charges of “making terrorist propaganda.”   Dr. Fincancı was released pending the appeal. The conviction is the latest form […]

January 11, 2023
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

International Human Rights Groups Call for the Immediate Release and Acquittal of Turkish Physician

Tomorrow, renowned Turkish doctor and human rights defender Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı will undergo a second judicial hearing on baseless charges in Istanbul Heavy Penalty Court. Due process violations, lack of evidence, and ill-treatment of Dr. Korur Fincancı during her transfer suggest that her arrest is a gross miscarriage of justice. International medical and human […]

December 28, 2022
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

PHR: Tũrkiye’s Failure to Release Renowned Physician is an “Abhorrent Assault on Human Rights”

In response to today’s ruling by Turkish authorities to deny the petition for release of internationally renowned human rights defender Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, chairperson of the Turkish Medical Association and executive committee member of the Human Rights Foundation of Türkiye, who has been unlawfully detained since October 26, 2022, the following quote is attributed […]

December 23, 2022
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

International Human Rights Groups call for Release of leading Turkish Human Rights Defender and Physician

Turkish authorities have an opportunity tomorrow to release from custody one of its most internationally respected human rights defenders, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who has been unlawfully detained since 26 October 2022. It is her second unlawful detention in six years in retaliation for her renowned medical and rights work. Today Amnesty International, DIGNITY, […]

December 22, 2022
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

MEDIA ADVISORY: Experts to Call for Release of Renowned Forensic Physician Ahead of Critical Hearing Friday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Local and international experts will host a press conference in Istanbul on Thursday to demand that President Erdoğan and Turkish authorities immediately release Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, a renowned human rights defender who has been arbitrarily detained since October. On Friday morning, Dr. Fincancı’s hearing will take place before the İstanbul 24th […]

December 20, 2022
Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

Uluslararası Örgütler, Türk Hükümeti’nin keyfi olarak önde gelen bir doktoru tutuklama kararını kınıyor ve serbest bırakılmasını talep ediyor

English version here. Önde gelen dört uluslararası insan hakları ve sağlık STK’sı, Türk Tabipleri Birliği Başkanı ve Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı Yönetım Kurulu üyesi Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı’nın 27 Ekim’de esaslara ve usullere dayanmayan tutuklanmasını kınadı.   Örgütler, Dr. Fincancı’nın derhal ve koşulsuz olarak serbest bırakılmasını ve Türk yetkililerinin ülkedeki insan hakları ve ifade özgürlüğüne yönelik baskılarını […]

October 31, 2022
Chemical Weapons, Persecution of Health Workers
Press Release

Global Organizations Condemn Turkish Government’s Arbitrary Detention of Leading Doctor, Demand Release

Turkish version here. Four leading international human rights and medical NGOs condemn the arbitrary arrest on 27 October of Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, chairperson of the Turkish Medical Association and executive committee member of the Human Rights Foundation of Türkiye.   The organizations demand Dr. Fincancı’s immediate, unconditional release and that Turkish authorities cease their crackdown […]

October 27, 2022
Persecution of Health Workers

The Disappeared Doctors of Syria

The Syrian government has targeted health care workers with detention, abuse, and torture. Here are some of their stories.

January 27, 2022
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Torture

Protecting the Right to Health in Syria

Syria remains one of the world’s most complex humanitarian emergencies. Ten years of violence have resulted in more than 500,000 casualties, triggered one of the worst displacement crises of our time, and led to the widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure. Homes, schools, and health facilities have not been spared, and people have been deprived of […]

July 8, 2021
Attacks on Health Care, Persecution of Health Workers

“This is My Second Revolution”: A Q&A with Scientist-Activist Sandra Mon, on What’s Happening in Myanmar

Sandra Mon is a senior researcher at the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the Johns Hopkins Department of Epidemiology. As a Myanmar national, she is an active voice for health care workers in Myanmar since the beginning of the coup there on February 1. PHR’s digital communications manager Hannah Dunphy spoke with […]

June 8, 2021
Attacks on Health Care, Mass Atrocities, Persecution of Health Workers, Rohingya

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