
Act Now: Support New York's Anti-Torture Bill

[Special Note: PHR medical student activists from New York just spent a day in Albany educating policy makers on this bill. We have the momentum–take action today!]PHR has been working for years to stop torture by US forces. Especially important to us is ending the use of the healing professions to design, supervise and implement a regime of abuse intended to break the bodies and minds of detainees.Now, New York State has an amazing opportunity to establish accountability for health professionals who engage in torture or ill treatment of detainees—and we need your support to make it happen.Sign the petition TODAY urging New York lawmakers to stop torture.Legislation has been proposed in New York State by New York State Assemblyman Dick Gottfried and New York State Senator Tom Duane that would prohibit the participation of health care professionals in torture and improper treatment of prisoners. The bill is needed to ensure that the well-documented complicity and direct participation of physicians and other health professionals at Guant?namo Bay and elsewhere will not be repeated.Thanks to the hard work of doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, students, lawyers and activists like you, we expect the New York House and Assembly to vote on this bill in the next few months.Now, we need your voice to make this a reality.

  • If you are from New York, Email your Senator and Assembly-person directly to show your support of the bill.
  • If you are not from New York, sign the petition in support of this bill.
  • If you have already signed on, thank you. Now help spread the word: send this to six friends so we can build momentum for this crucial bill.

If passed, New York would be the model for all other states on ending health professional complicity in torture. Let New York State and the world know that you support this legislation by signing the petition today.

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