
In Honor of Human Rights Day: PHR CEO Frank Donaghue Expresses Gratitude for Members and Looks to the Future

Today, in recognition of Human Rights Day, the UN will honor, “human rights defenders who act to end discrimination.” According to the UN:

Human rights defenders speak out against abuse and violations including discrimination, exclusion, oppression and violence. They advocate justice and seek to protect the victims of human rights violations. They demand accountability for perpetrators and transparency in government action.

In the spirit of Human Rights Day, PHR would like to thank of all its members who help us to investigate human rights violations all over the world and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people. We are fortunate to be supported by the expertise and passion of health professionals and concerned citizens alike, and we thank everyone who takes a stand for human rights.

We draw our inspiration from previous defenders of human rights, such as Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who chaired the committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

As we look to 2011, and as PHR continues to advocate for health and human rights nationally and abroad, we thank each of you for your service in the cause of human rights and support for PHR. While we've been able to help some, there are many more that still need protection.

In January, we will release findings from the first randomized survey of rights abuses covering all of Chin State, Burma. From Afghanistan to the United States, we’ll advocate for accountability and transparency. If you would like to learn more about how to get involved with PHR’s work, please visit our website. To learn more about Human Rights Day, visit the UN’s site.

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