
Sign Up for Fall International Forensic Program Training Course

IS_Biology_052Summer is here, and the International Forensic Program’s fall training course is coming up fast:Forensic Laboratory and Medical Examiner Office Operations will be held in Fort Worth, Texas from October 18-30, 2009. Students will develop a working knowledge of available forensic services and reporting, and an understanding of the necessary quality control measures in producing court usable evidence. Applications are due July 1.It’s also never too early to start planning for our spring course – Crime Scene and Evidence Documentation. The 2010 course will be held in Tallahassee, Florida from April 20-24, 2009. Students learn the essentials of digital forensic photography, note taking, sketching and chain of custody. Alumni will be able to document evidence of human rights violations in a manner which will be admissible in court at a later date and maximize the information shared with other experts.These courses are designed for human rights field investigators and are also appropriate for medical professionals, employees of human rights NGOs, journalists and anyone who might need to document human rights violations or utilize and evaluate forensic services.Odongo Odiyo, MD from Kenya had this praise for the course:

This forensic course is very key and it is one of the most important courses that I think I've ever attended.

More information on the training programs offered by the IFP is available on the courses homepage. In addition to our annual courses, we are available to offer customized training programs in forensic services and documentation.

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