Today, as we celebrate International Nurses Day, the health workforce crisis remains one of the greatest hurdles to realizing the right to health for all in developing countries.The Global HEALTH Act can help. The GHA, introduced in Congress by Representative Barbara Lee on March 24, would provide $2 billion over five years to increase the number of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health workers in developing countries, and to improve primary health care for all. The bill not only authorizes new resources, it also calls for the creation of a US Global Health Strategy that will complement the goals of developing countries and ensure our aid money is effectively used to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.That is why PHR is uniting with more than 15 other US organizations to hold a national Call-in Day TODAY to support the Global HEALTH Act. Be part of the movement. Tell your Representative to support Global Health by co-sponsoring this bill.It’s easy. Call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Representative’s office (if you don't know who your Rep. is, find out). Then, make your case. Use the script below, and/or bring your own experiences into the call:
Hi, my name is XXX and I live in Town, State. I am calling to encourage Representative XXX to co-sponsor HR 4933, The Global HEALTH Act, which will help fix broken health systems in developing countries. The Global HEALTH Act calls for the development of a US Global Health Strategy to harmonize aid, and provides $2 billion over 5 years to help countries in Africa hire, train and retain more doctors, nurses and other health workers. The Global HEALTH Act will save lives: I hope Rep. XXX will consider co-sponsoring this bill today.
As of today, the global health community has secured nine co-sponsors: Reps. John Conyers (MI), Lynn Woolsey (CA), Raul Grijalva (AZ), Keith Ellison (MN), John Garamendi (CA), Fortney Pete Stark (CA), Diane Watson (CA), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL) and Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC). Help us secure more. Commemorate International Nurses Day by taking action. Join thousands around the country today who are making a difference. Call your Representative and encourage them to co-sponsor the Global HEALTH Act today.UPDATE, May 17: The Global HEALTH Act has garnered six new co-sponsors: Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL), Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC),?Sam Farr (CA), Maxine Waters (CA), Bobby Rush (IL) and James McGovern (MA).